
Meet the 2024-2025 Committee
Nelsonville Parade of the Hills committee for 2024-2025
Chairman: John Johnson
Vice Chairman: Linda Bullock
Treasurer: Jim Shumway
Secretary: Ashley Godenschwager
Trustees as of September 18th, 2024:
Trustees for 3-year term: Lindsay Shumway and Taylor Lanham (Seats open 9/16/26)
Trustees for 2-year term: Mallory Swaim and Brenda Johnson (Seats open 9/17/25)
Trustees for 1-year term: Robin Warren (Seat opens 9/17/25)
Committee members and titles:
Amanda Wiseman: 5K Chair
Asa Bentley: Grand Parade Co-Chair
Ashley Godenschwager: Grant Chair, Fundraising Chair, & Web Designer
Bill L’Heureux: Grand Parade Chair
Brenda Johnson: Pepsi Booth & Table Coordinator
Chase Lanham: Committee Member
Christy Lewis: Ladies Day
Cliff Warren: By-Laws Chair & Vendor Co-Chair
Jessica Sarver: T-shirts & 50/50
Jim Shumway: Queen Director
John Johnson: Entertainment Co-Chair
Jerry Lewis: Athletic Day Co-Chair
Lia Birnbaum: Library Junction, Health Fair Chair, & Baby Contest Co-Chair
Linda Bullock: Parade Chair, Senior Day Chair, & Entertainment Co-Chair
Lindsay Shumway: Queen Co-Director & Auction Coordinator
Mallory Swaim: Sanitary Chair
Melanie Koslovic: Library Junction & Baby Contest Co-Chair
Morgan Clark: Little Miss Queen Director
Robin Warren: Vendor Chair
Ryan Cunningham: Athletic Day Co-Chair
Stacey Bentley: Pie Auction Chair and Program Book Chair
Suzanne Ragg: Fiddler Director
Taffie Smith: Fun Park Chair & Baton Contest Co-Chair
Taylor Lanham: Food Booth Chair
L’Heureux family: Kid Street Games
Valerie Stillson: Baton Contest Co-Chair
Are you interested in joining the committee?
If you have been thinking of joining the committee, this is your chance to get involved with the planning & production of the Parade of the Hills. We welcome new members to any meeting at any time of the year.
Join us at 6:00 PM the third Wednesday of each month at the Nelsonville Homes Community Room, located at 900 E. Canal St. Starting July 10th, weekly Wednesday meetings commence.
Email nelsonvilleparadeofthehillssec@gmail.com with any questions.